Alignment methods (Part 3: paper discussion)

Previous class check-up

  • We studied the algorithms for multiple sequence alignment: Needleman-Wunsch, progresive alignment and improvements

Learning objectives

At the end of today’s session, you will be able to

  • highlight the main differences among MSA methods

Pre-class work

Project checklist: heavy HW on your data starting now

  • Until now:
    • Created your project github repo
    • Added the link to the via pull request
    • Added me as collaborator on your github repo
    • Data chosen and added 1 slide about it to the shared google slides (link in canvas)
      • Don’t wait on your data: you can use public data because you will be creating scripts to use later on the “real” data
    • Added a description about your data in your (or similar reproducible script) in your github repo and pushed
    • QC on your data if needed: not perfect/complete, but at least a plan pushed to your github repo
  • Next item:
    • Alignment work pushed to your github repo

Expectations as we move forward to heavy HW on your data

  • You will be working on your data at home:
    • Troubleshooting with different data formats
    • Troubleshooting with software installation for your operating system
  • Actively ask questions!
    • Slack
    • Office hours

Alignment software: ClustalW, MUSCLE, T-Coffee

Progressive alignment: ClustalW

  1. Compute rooted binary tree (guide tree) from pairwise distances
  2. Build MSA from the bottom (leaves) up (root)

Figure 9.9 in Warnow (2018) Computational phylogenetics

Thompson, 1994, ClustalW

Iterative refinement: MUSCLE

Edgar, 2004, MUSCLE

Consistency-based scoring: T-Coffee

Notredame, 2000, T-Coffee

In-class paper discussion

Objective: Understand the main algorithms, assumptions and limitations of three widely used MSA software.


  1. Separate group discussions (25 minutes): Students will discuss with their respective groups and prepare a 10-minute presentation for the whole class. Use these google slides:
  2. Group presentations (30 minutes total; 10 minutes per group): Each group will summarize their discussion in a 10-minute presentation to the class.

  3. Class summary of the three software (10 minutes)

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