4: Hands-on exercise

ISMB 2022 Madison


Claudia Solis-Lemus and Douglas Bates



Time: 60 minutes

Instructions: Participants will translate their R/python script to Julia with assistance from the workshop presenters and TAs. After the 60 minutes, one or two volunteers will share their script to the group.


  • Do you have Julia installed? If not, go to the getting started notes
  • Do you have your project folder and installed dependencies? If not, go to the getting started notes
  • Do you have your data in your project folder?
  • Have you selected an editor to use (VSCode, Emacs, Jupyter notebooks,…)? Check out the available options in the Julia website

You are ready to start writing Julia code! You can start with a simple .jl file, or you could try with a jupyter notebook or a .qmd file.